Blue Growth is the European Commission Strategy for the recovery of the economy in Europe, encouraging the investment and technological innovation in those areas related to the Maritime Economy, or Blue Economy, identifying key factors and actions to promote the employment and the economic growth in a sustainable way.
The Port of
Vigo has pioneered in Europe the integral implementation of the Blue Growth
strategy as a collective effort by all the port’s users, under the principle
that the Blue Economy must be fostered equally by all stakeholders.
Promoting competitiveness, efficiency and sustainability in all his activities, installations and services.
Port of Vigo announced it will reduce by 30% its emissions (CO2, SOx and NOx) and will reach 3% energy self-sufficiency by 2022.
To achieve this it will carry out actions that will promote GNL use and application of innovative actions on algae capture of CO2, support implementation 100% clean energy self-sufficiency for National Natural Park Illas Cies as a pilot project and raise awareness/training of at least 1000 users of Port of Vigo (all activities included) on the need for clean and blue energy.