Association of Nautical Entities Ría de Vigo - ARIVEN


Spin Off Ariven

Spin Off Ariven



In progress


The nautical tourism in Vigo has a huge tradition and a high number of enthusiasts. Nonetheless, the possibilities that natural conditions offer, and its potential, are not being fully exploded, which makes more difficult to be competitive in the international context or for the caption of new nautical activities followers, both locals and foreigners. This is the reason of the idea conception about creating an association entity, with its own legal figure, which could bring the nautical sector agents of the Ría de Vigo and Baiona.

As a first step for this association creation, a Viability Analysis took place in order to have a deep understanding about the Ria de Vigo connection with its environment and identify the critical aspects for is competitiveness improvement, in addition to specify a first work plan for the association. As a result of this study, the proposal for a private/public association legal creation was made, under the name of Asociación Ría de Vigo de Entidades Náuticas – ARIVEN.

The association has as main objective, the contribution to business and other key agents of the sector competitiveness improvement, through the brand positioning of “Nautica Ria de Vigo” as an international referent in nautical sector. Under this common objective converges individual and collective interests, contributing to strengthen and improve the quality of services provided by the sector, in a national and international framework. To achieve this general objective, the following specific objectives are proposed:

  • Being the strategic meeting and sharing point of all the nautical agents in the association action field. 
  • To promote the increased demand in the sector through the design and implementation of commercial and marketing actions.
  • To achieve a single core of representation for the Administration and other agents.
  • To improve and enhance specialized techniques and competencies for the professional sector.
  • To enhance the cooperation between other key sectors.


As a first approximation to the work plan and services provided by the Association to its members, there are key activities which will contribute to the fulfill its objectives, which are summarize belows:

- Advisory services: elaborating reports and studies about specific topics that has common interest for the sector.

- Training activities: organization and execution of courses, training seminars and other educational activities to enhance the professionalization for the sector.

- Professional job center: an active system to promote professional employment will be created, covering all professional profiles required to achieve sector development activities.

- Promotion activities: such as commercial insight trips, trade shows participation support, promotional events organization… etc.

- Work groups: with specialization in different topics that added value for the members of the association.

- Newsletters: to spread the information about the sector and the Association own activities.


- Innovative port: The Association will promote among its members, a co-working ecosystem, mainly through the knowledge exchange, the collaboration for the innovative commercial activities designing, etc. All these activities will contribute to competitiveness improvement and international projection and positioning.

- Inclusive port: trough the implementation of key activities for the Association, the promotion for training and education of its members in line with the employability demand.

Current state

ARIVEN has been officially and legally established and it is defining its first actions lines.